Midwest riders have great showing at RCSX 2024

We have a huge spot in our hearts and fandom for midwest riders as we are midwest based ourselves. Along with being from the same part of the nation, you gotta respect these athletes that face additional challenges that other regions do not. Up here we typically loose around four months of riding time because of winter when its too cold to ride outside and tracks are closed. The only option is to head south to train and thats not cheap and kids have school. During the riding season we also have a lot of weather that prevents riding at stretches, which just means far less ridable days overall.

That given you gotta respect when a midwest rider that still lives and trains up here is able to perform at the top of their classes in these amateur national events. The competition is high and many of the riders are from the south or train there and can ride 300+ days a year.

The following are just midwest riders that finished in podium positions in their classes, there was also a even bigger amount that finished in the top ten which is pretty big also.

Diesel Thomas (Nebraska)

I’m not familiar with Diesel yet, but you gotta respect the name and he must have a similar work ethic. He grab two impressive podiums in the highly competitive 250 B classes at Daytona. This are filled with the fastest riders before they jump to A class and then the pros if they continue to perform.

Hugh Ludington
Hugh was hurt for the later part of the 2023 season and has been back training in the south for the first part of the year. He seems to be picking right back up where he left off with a third place finish in 250C Jr. class.

Adrian Hauge

James Robers

John Grewe
The Michigan native has been putting up impressive results at amateur nationals and Lorreta Lynn’s for years now. His Daytona as no different with a first and second place finishes in his two different classes.

Carson Fritch
The PW class also known as the shaft drive class is a fan favorite watching all those little ones start their racing careers. Carson grabbed a third place in the class.

Levi Geis
The Minnesota rider grabbed second place finishes in both of the 65cc classes at Daytona.

Parker Beckington
Parker was able to grab a win in the 7-9 age group for 65cc class.

Joseph Vicari

Joseph is a MIchigan native but has been spending a good amount of time down south at Club MX and the results are showing. He grabbed a win and two second place finishes showing he continues to prove his abilities.

Jeffrey Drysdale II

The Indiana native grabbed a third place finish in a highly competitive class. This is a great results for Jeffrey and should be a confidence builder for 2024 season.

Colt Whitaker

Colt rode a strong race and secure a third place finish in the 85cc class.

Cash Anderson

Don’t know anything about Cash and his racing history, but you gotta respect two third place finished in both Mini Senior classes. That class is filled with riders that are about to graduate to supermini or are riding in both classes.

Brody Barth

Brody had a great showing at Daytona with a third place in Supermini 1 and a strong just off the podium finish in Supermini 2 also. The 2024 season is looking up for Barth as he was a solid top ten finisher and seems to be looking to convince others he is now a podium threat.

Jayce Wolf

In an absolutely stacked class Jayce Wolf was able to grab a second place finish in Supermini 2. The class is filled with the fastest riders from the factory amateur teams and full time student and privateer Wolf grabbed the holeshot and lead for the first half of the race. A poor line choice allowed Wood to sneak by in a corner and lead the rest of the race and grab the win. Jayce was able to stay close to Carson and even mount a couple of challenges for the lead. Jayce also was able to grab a fourth place finish in Supermini 1 after getting taken out on the start and was in last place. He fought his way from twentieth place to fourth in the moto and definitely had the pace to get a podium if there was a few more laps.

Riley Busse

Riley had a good season in 2023 in the 125cc class also and this year is looking impressive already. The 125 class is a strong classes and grabbing the win in Daytona is putting him on everyones radar as a contender.


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