North Central Loretta Lynn Amateur & Vet Regional - Spring Creek MX

For 2023 the Amateur and Vet regionals were combined into a single event and were held at Spring Creek MX in Millville Minnesota. The Martin family and team have a terrific venue and always put on a great event with a top-notch track. The combined events were nice as many families could attend a single event the days were just a bit longer. The took place on June 9-11, 2023.

The turnout felt strong with riders coming from all over the country to compete for an elusive ticket to attend the Amateur Nationals at Loretta Lynn’s Ranch in early August. To advance riders would have to finish in the top 6 of the class they are racing in. Many riders compete in multiple classes to give them more opportunities but with so few riders moving on the field is dramatically cut down following regionals. We did not hear an official count of the number of riders or entries for the event, but we tried to get photos of everyone and we counted around 300 unique riders. Guessing we missed a few there was probably slightly more than 300 competing this weekend.

Pro Sport Classes

The pro sport classes delivered plenty of excitement for the weekend. The turnout was strong with big names such as Iziah Clark, Cody Williams, Evan Ferry, and Joshua Boaz along with plenty of budding superstars and past national riders. The track was rough and challenging for many of the other classes but made for the right mix for these A class riders.

250 Pro Sport Top 6

  1. Iziah Clark

  2. Evan Ferry

  3. Joshua Boaz

  4. Conner Burger

  5. Preston Taylor

  6. Cody Williams

Open Pro Sport Top 6

  1. Joshua Boaz

  2. Evan Ferry

  3. Preston Taylor

  4. Eddie Norred

  5. William Stockland

  6. Tyler Skodras

Midwest Rider Highlights

Our midwest riders did very well at Millville by earning multiple top 6 finishes in most of the classes. Ensuring that the midwest would be well represented in August at the Amateur Nationals. Millville is the home track for some of the riders while others rarely get to ride the track or never had making it an equal playing field for those traveling from outside the region.

  • Cody Williams - IL

  • Joshua Boaz - MN

  • Eddie Norred - IL

  • Tyler Skodras - WI

  • Iziah Clark - IA

  • Conner Burger - IL

  • Linkin Sarauer - IA

  • Jada Murphy - IA

  • Haley Nowicki - WI

  • Jenna Ettesvold - MN

  • Ryder Malinoski - MN

  • Dominic Felty - IN

  • Mason Hulsey - IL

  • Brandon Espe-Tiegs - MN

  • Josh Bowman - WI

  • Braxton Kragenbring - MN

  • Wyatt Larson - MN

  • Zaine Randall - IA

  • Brady Karolevity - MN

  • Kyler Hagedorn - IA

  • Wyatt Mcgrath - WI

  • Collin Burns - IL

  • Dandre Roos - IA

  • Kaden Tabaka - MN

  • Tanner Schlegel - MN

  • Jayden Wolf - WI

  • Lucas Geistler - IL

  • Domenic Hegman - MN

  • Justin Wolf - WI

  • Jared Trepanier - MN

  • Rober Malinoski - MN

  • Tim Zebro - MN

  • Joe Buskirk - IL

  • Mike Luoma - MN

  • Chris Weisbrod - MN


North Central Loretta Lynn Youth Amateur Regional 2023 - Lincoln Trail MX


MotoAmerica Superbikes at Road America 2023